The Resident Evil franchise by Capcom is renowned for its spine-chilling single-player campaigns, but it also offers exciting multiplayer modes that bring players together for cooperative and competitive survival experiences. These modes span across several titles in the series, blending Resident Evil’s iconic horror elements with dynamic team-based gameplay. Popular Resident Evil Multiplayer Modes 1. […]
Phasmophobia, developed by Kinetic Games, is a cooperative psychological horror game that challenges players to investigate paranormal activity in haunted locations. With its eerie atmosphere and immersive gameplay, Phasmophobia has become a standout title in the horror genre, especially among fans of cooperative multiplayer games. Key Features of Phasmophobia 1. Cooperative Ghost Hunting • Up […]
Dead by Daylight, developed by Behaviour Interactive, is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where players take on the roles of survivors or killers. The survivors must work together to escape the killer’s grasp, repair generators, and evade capture, while the killer hunts them down using unique abilities. With its spine-chilling gameplay and a roster of […]