Jeet11 was a fantasy sports platform in India that allowed users to engage in fantasy cricket, football, rummy, and other games. By creating virtual teams of real-life players, users could participate in various contests and win cash prizes based on the actual performances of these players in live matches.
Key Features:
• Diverse Game Selection: Jeet11 offered fantasy games for cricket, football, rummy, and more, catering to a wide range of gaming enthusiasts.
• User-Friendly Interface: Designed for seamless navigation, Jeet11 provided an engaging experience for both beginners and seasoned players.
• Custom Contests: Users had the option to create their own contests, adding a personalized touch to the gaming experience.
• Secure Transactions: Jeet11 ensured safe and secure financial transactions, maintaining user trust and satisfaction.
Recent Developments:
In December 2022, it was reported that ShareChat, the parent company of Jeet11, decided to shut down the fantasy sports platform and laid off some employees associated with it.
Note: As Jeet11 has been discontinued, the platform and its associated services are no longer available.
For more insights and updates, you can follow Jeet11’s social media platforms:
• Instagram: Jeet11 Instagram
• Facebook: Jeet11 Facebook
Please note that these social media accounts may no longer be active following the platform’s discontinuation.
For a visual overview of Jeet11’s features and gameplay, you can watch the following video: Click Here